In this blog I am going to do something I thought of that sounded like heaps of fun. I am going to attempt to offend every religion possible in the limited time I currently have. I have always thought religion is stupid but I think it’s time I gave some reasons as to why I think specific religions in particular are stupid. If you like this please comment below. If you don’t like this i REALLY want you to comment, I love to argue. In the interest of fair play i will also have a go at atheism and agnostics .
I think I will start with one of the most criticised religions in western culture. The good old Christians. Okay this religion is stupid because of the core belief. A god cannot forgive anyone because he is an asshole. But he still wants to get people into heaven (because he ‘loves’ you) so instead of just forgiving people who rape, kill, torture or steel he decides to go about it a different way. He sends his own son down to earth, than has his own son tortured to pay for the sin of everyone else. Than has his son killed and brought back to life three days later. Does none of the billion Christians see a problem with this? Your god is so crazy that he sees someone who is lesser than him do something that he does not approve of so he tortures his child! Imagine is a human parent did this. Let’s say you were that parent and you saw a bug steal a piece of food from the table. Now you don’t like this, but you can’t forgive the bug. So you turn to your child and stab him! No doubt we are about bugs compared to god’s power. Would you be okay with doing this just to forgive the bug? Would you allow your child to suffer for someone else’s doing. Oh and one more thing about your stupid ideas. The unforgivable sin, if I say I don’t believe in god and that god is mean I am going to hell. But if I rape a child than kill him and have sex with his dead body. I can be forgiven. Your god is shallow and frankly I think Hell would be a much less violent place than heaven.
Okay. I know shit has happened to you guys. And i know that you don’t deserve it. But STOP using that as an excuse to explain some stupid behaviour. And STOP calling anyone who criticizes your religion or Israel’s politics anti semantic when they aren’t talking about your race at all!
Guys. Lighten the fuck up! You have pulled some terrible crap in recent times. Now i am not saying that all Muslims have. But Arabic states are fucking crazy with their laws. For example a pastor burned a copy of the Koran. Many UN workers were killed in mass riots over this. The UN workers would never approve of that action anyway. And stop calling yourself a race. It is not racist to attack Islam. Islam is an idea not a race. Just like it isn’t racist to attack the idea of capitalism. Oh right, draw Mohammed day is here to stay so stop freaking out over it. And one last thing STOP OPPRESING WOMEN
Hello to the many Hindus of the world. Okay first of all. Decide on what you believe. There is so much crap out there. Some people say you are agnostic, some say atheist, some say you believe in one god and some say you believe in many. MAKE UP YOUR MIND . but i can tell you this. The idea of karma is stupid. Do good people can universally rewarded. NO, to bad people can universally punished, NO. So the next time you see someone suffering maybe you shouldn’t assume its because they are evil. Maybe you should find out!
Now I kind of like the idea of peace that you guys seem to believe in. But please stop claiming to be a religion. You are a life style. There is a difference.
Jehovah’s witnesses
Okay you guys are practically a cult. Let your members have some damn freedom. And stop knocking on our doors. I already know your religion is stupid I don’t need you at my door proving my point. Oh and if someone wants to marry a non believer that’s okay!
Do you guys really think that this is real? The person who made this religion was a science fiction writer and you wonder why your core stories involve aliens and space ships! Seriously this is something i expect to find on star gate. Remember what Elrond Hubbard your maker said. “If you want to make a little money, write a book. If you want to make a lot of money, create a religion.”
IT’S A SCAM. But people believe it. Somehow the stars position at your birth affects your personality. Did you know stars move? So there positions change over time. A Scorpio a billion years from now would probably be a different star sign. Oh right and if you think that there personality tests are accurate. Think again. It uses something called the barmen effect. This is basically whenever someone hears a belief enough description about themselves they will believe it. I myself have proved this by giving 20 people the same horoscope description. Over 80% said that it matched them even tho I made it up and they were all born on different days.
Okay. I know it may seem nice saying you’re a witch, but you are not. There is no such thing as magic so please stop trying to make this crap into another religion that we do not need. I know it makes you feel like an individual but seriously... witchcraft?
STOP SITTING ON THE FENCE. This issue of religion and god is an important one. It is how our society and the population of the world views the entire universe. You cant just stay nutral on an issue like that!
Stop resisting organisation people! Most of the time atheists don’t want to organise because of more than just religion. Organising wont make us like them. People organise to form political parties, people organise to go out to dinner and people organise to play video games! You wouldn’t call any of these a religion.
Well that is the 1st of I hope many attempts to offend every religion. I hope you enjoyed this. If you didn’t too bad. It’s my blog ill say what I want.
when i said Arabic state i meant Islamic state. i apologize to any i have offended