Saturday, 23 April 2011


I am personally pro-choice rather than pro-life. I can understand how pro lifers (as they call themselves) gained there unexamined point of view

          The main reason I support the option of abortion is because I am a male. I will never be pregnant. I will never have to make that decision so it is unfair for me to judge wether it is morally acceptable for someone to perform that act.

          The main opposition to abortion is the common idea that it is killing a life. While this is true in the sense of the word, if it is done early enough there is no brain activity. so it is basicly the same as a plant. When you eat a carrot, you are killing a life but you don't feel worried about it.

          In response to this argument most pro-lifers say that it is still a potential life. It is stupid to say this because not only is it foolish to base your decisions on slight potential consequences but also because you are killing potential life all the time. Every time a man ejaculates there are thousands of potential lives gone but no-one stops masturbating. Every time a woman has her period that's a potential life gone but we don't charge women with murder once a month.

          So there are a few reasons as to why i think abotion should be legal. I am not going to say whether it is moral or not because I am nether competent or qualified, but I can say that we should at least let women choose. 

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