Our society is split in two. We have one side, usually the intellectual. That says that violence is never the answer. Than we have another who think it a perfectly normal tool to use in both politics and everyday life. I think both of these points of view are stupid.
The whole idea that violence is never the answer is ignorant in itself. While i agree that it should be an absolute last resort. I disagree that it should never be used. For example. In world war 2 we have a crazy racist imperialist leader in charge of one of the biggest armies in the world and he intended to use this army to expand his ideas of racial profiling all throughout the world wether the inhabitants of that world liked it or not. Do you really think that none violence would have convinced him to stop. if the oppressed Jewish people started to march on Berlin in place of Washington. Would Hitler have realised there oppression and changed his policies. NO. We had only one solution in that situation. And it was war.
The idea that violence is a natural and useful and acceptable tool is equally stupid. While it can be useful for individual means. It is not useful for the means of a society. If a societies death count raises above its birth count that society is in a state of decline. Violence can cause this state of decline. It can also cause much suffering that the people in that society would not want to live in it anymore and would leave thus putting it in decline.
So in closing. Violence can be used to achieve certain goals. But. It should only be used as an absolute last resort and only if it is absolutely necessary.
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