Tuesday, 12 April 2011

gay marriage

For today’s blog I will be talking about an issue that has a lot of the world divided. Gay marriage. I am personally for gay marriage for a few reasons.

A) it doesn’t hurt anyone so I don’t see the problem with it
B) it is making people happy so not only is it not hurting anyone it is helping
C) because every argument I have herd against it is complete stupidity

for this blog I will be displaying some of the arguments against gay marriage and also explaining why I think they are bullshit.

“gay marriage will quickly destroy the traditional family”

okay, it will not destroy family. It will simply change it to allow different types of families. The idea of a family has changed much in the last 50 years. It may not be your standard nuclear family (a mum, a dad, a son and a daughter) any-more. But it is something better, it is the acceptance of the people closest to you. Oh and if you think allowing people to be happy and get married will “destroy” your family than you are an idiot. If your relationship to your “traditional” family is so frail that u see homosexuality as a threat to that traditional family unit than perhaps that isn’t worth preserving.

“marriage is religious, the churches are very clear on there stance in this”

okay I’m an atheist so I already discount the religious argument as superstition. But for the sake of this argument I will say that marriage is religious. I agree that the idea of marriage is religious, well it used to be anyway. These days the governments of many countries give rights to married couples over unmarried ones. So marriage is not a just a religious matter any more it has legal implications and denying someone those legal rights simply because they got married to the wrong person is a strike against human rights!

“gay marriage is unnatural”

So fucking what! Even if I agree with you, just because something is natural doesn't mean its moral, just because something is natural doesn't mean its a good thing! Now I’m not going to say whether it is natural or not because frankly I don't think it matters. There is a thing we have as humans is something other species just don't. Massive brains. These are without doubt our best advantage. They also give us another ability. The ability to go beyond what is 'natural' and just have fun.

“marriage is for raising children”

This idea is stupid for three reasons. One because in western culture mirage is not about children, its about love. Not all married couples have children. Two if a straight couple couldn’t have children would you not want them getting married? And three that argument just says that gay people are not capable of raising children, someones sexuality doesn’t determine there ability to raise a child.

“gays already have the same rights I do, I can marry someone of the opposite sex and so can they. So we are already equal”

believe it or not I have actually herd this argument. You can probably tell why it is stupid but I’m going to say what I think. Ok while you may be technically equal that doesn’t mean that it is fair, there is another term that people should think of instead of equality, it is equity. Equity means fair, you can marry someone you love but they cant, that isn’t far, it may be equal but is isn’t fair.

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