Tuesday, 19 April 2011


One of Australia’s major issues at the moment is illegal immigrants or ' boat people' as they have been named by the media. I have a few thoughts on this. But they are relativity easy to say so this will be a short blog entry.

its not a big deal! Compared to other countries Australia gets little to no refugees. I mean for example Australia got a total of 27536 illegal immigrants from 1976 to 2010. America has a total of 6,650,000 illegal immigrants from Mexico alone living in the US in 2009, so yeah we really don’t have much of a problem.

it can cost up to $70,000 to get a visa here. Do most people have that cash here, NO. would most people who are fleeing war hatred and persecution have that money, NO!

we should be flattered that people want to come to our island country. This is a good thing. Not only does it help strengthen our multicultural society that we boast about. It also means that we are a successful and prosperous country, the way I see it if people stop coming here that’s when it has all gone to hell.

So in conclusion cut them some slack people!

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