Friday 3 June 2011

Come on Christianity, you can do better!

          Ok after I compiled a list on why Islam is doing a bad job at converting people I was requested to do one on why Christianity is currently failing at converting people. There are a few reasons. 1 is because they go after less than fit people, 2 because they have a parent child view towards you, 3 because most Christians haven’t even read there bible so they simply cant keep up with an atheist in a theological debate, 4 the sheer number of Christian variations And probably the biggest one of all is the inconsistencies between the message you preach and the one in your holy book and the one you practice. So lets get started shall we

          Okay, this may be personal but most the time when Christian missionaries attempt to recruit people into there religion they don't go after people that can question or people that are of sound mind. They go after children, to young to make up there own minds, they go into prisons and give people hope that they may one day be a “good” person but only through god, they go to AA meetings, they go to third world countries were people are to hungry to think straight. To any atheist this is completely immoral and it drops the credibility of those missionaries so much in our eyes.

          When the every day Christians attempts to convert you, they don’t offer things like the missionaries do, they instead come from a view were they think they are right and they have to 'teach' us. As such they talk down to atheists and get angry when atheists talk back to them. They take the role of a spiritual parent and that really gets under peoples skin.

          Next up is the sheer lack of information the average Christian has about there holy book. Only something like 10% of Christians actually read the bible. A resent study in the US said that atheists and agnostics actually knew more about the bible than the average Christian. This is because when most people are seriously considering becoming an atheist. They read the bible, they read it than decide its crap. So don't assume we are just ignorant of what's in that book.

         There are something like 200 different variations of Christianity. 200 ways of interpreting the same damn book, 200 viewpoints who all believe there right. If you guys are so divided amongst yourselves how on earth do you expect us to believe you know what your talking about.

          The biggest reason most agnostics or fence sitters don’t listen to you in my opinion is simply because there is a major difference between what you say you are for, what you do and what’s in the bible. Your stance is you are for peace, an all loving god, mercy and forgiveness. But the very idea of your prophet contradicts this. Think about it. Your god will not forgive anyone unless they realise that Jesus got tortured for us. That basicly says that god cannot just forgive, he has to harm someone. That is the kind of thing a child would do. Now god is supposed to be all loving and forgiving. But when a person goes to hell. God will never forgive them. Imagen if our society did that. Someone stole something and didn’t confess. So we have him or her tortured forever. He or she doesn’t get any chance to redeem themselves, they just get to be tortured forever. That is not merciful and it is not forgiveness. The Christians themselves support the death penitently above all other groups. That is not forgiveness.

          In short if you want to convert us. You have to work out the kinks in your own organisation first. Common Christianity, pick up your game!

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PS: this article was about 5 times as long at first, I had to compress it for readability purposes, that’s how much I have to say about the faults with Christianity.   


  1. a well respected man of the world mahatma ganhdi once proclaimed if Christians would really live according to the teachings of Christ, as found in the Bible, all of India would be Christian today". i am christian and you are actually right on a lot of these points. christianity in its pure belief is about faith not meant for life/mind control.

    point/myth 1: christians go after less than fit people to convert. it is true christianity should be able to face questions especially not derived from bitterness and approach willingly and provide a more complete view of belief. many cults prey on the young/naive to recruit and impose on their belief and no more in the western world than christianity. this is a tactic of many cults and no different than television marketing eating its young. christianity should not be bias and the cause of christ was to spread love and understanding of who the deity of christ is. mahatma had it right all along. what he failed to realize and what many people fail to realize, christian or secular, is that man will fail you, woman will fail you, it may seem that God will fail you however God is who he is and he is and it is not about what man can do and perform it is that God has the ability to outperform in love when humans allow to pair themselves in worship with God. performance is human based God is supernatural based. God loves us for who were are not for what we know and how much knowledge we do or do not have.

    ive met far too many in the secular realm who have amazing viewpoints on life. ive met people in any realm any religion who have amazing lifestyles of character and aptitude. though god is not impressed with man's knowledge and character he wants their heart to be open as he is. one could point fingers at each other until the day ends and another begins again, love benefits over disagreement much more deeper than understanding. not to discredit knowledge as man is credited to think and create as this is the expression and calling of man. free will is another issue for open free thought only.

    you are right christianity should not have 200+ flavors for belief in the world's eyes. its less unified and leads much of the voice of the political spectrum. i disagree with all of this. most christians won't. my basis of this is its misrepresentation of the one true freedom of christ. God calls his own into love the same way he calls those into belief - by an intrepid call into grace, a leap to faith.

    hope you find your true path wherever that leads you and may God find you faithful in all you do,


    sorry i didn't get to cover all the other points in depth but i would encourage you to look up ravi zacharias on youtube maybe this will help out. again wish you all the best

  2. i dont like it wen cults use go after people that are not of sound mind, and i dont like it when ads do it

    but adds dont convince somone they are going to burn after they die if they dont beive that the wine and crakers they have to eat from time to time is the actuall blood and body of christ (the catholic stance is that it is the LITTARAL blood and body of christ)

    and comparing it to a cult is like comparing assult to murder, just because murder is worse, doesnt make assult morraly acseptable
