Tuesday 14 June 2011

Being Moral

          A few days ago I was talking to an atheist. He was probably what you would call a moderate atheist. He said he didn’t believe in god but he did believe that organised religion can make you a better person, I just smiled and nodded. But I disagree strongly to my fellow atheists statement that organised religion can teach us morals.

          My first argument is that ALL organised religion requires people to reject there logical senses. It tells them not to ask questions and just accept there answer about how the world works, about how the universe was created and about how we should behave. It asks that you believe in unconditionally and that you never question it.

          Organised religion also rejects all progress. When I say all I mean ALL. Every great freedom that we hold dear today has been directly opposed by organised religion. When the Americans gave freedom of speech and religion to all it was opposed by millions with biblical and church support. When Lincoln freed the slaves millions opposed him with biblical and church support. When woman were getting the right to vote millions opposed it with biblical and church support. Even today millions oppose gay marriage and find biblical and church support.

          When a state attempts to be guided by religion it always ends badly. When states are ran by sharia law they oppress woman, homosexuals, atheists, people of different religion and in some cases people of a different race. When the western world was under religious control there was murder war and intolerance on a scale that we have not seen since.

          Most of the time I get the argument that it makes individual people more moral even though it can effect masses negativity. I disagree with this. When people think only of religious they hurt other people. Jerusalem is the centre of the Abrahamic religions, it is regarded as the holy land by most the world, however there are large amounts of hate, intolerance and violence present every day. This place should be about peace, love and forgiveness.

          Every day people hurt, attack and kill for religion. And they think that they are doing the right thing. Tell me, is it really a force for good?  

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