Monday 27 June 2011


         So recently new York has legalised gay marriage. This has been met with heavy opposition as you would expect from religious types, people that define marriage as between a man and a woman and of course people who are just uncomfortable with the idea of two dudes kissing.

          First of all I would like to congratulate new York. The people in that state have greatly helped the cause for freedom of choice. They are one of the first states in America that realised that homosexuals have the right to get married and be just as miserable as everyone else who got married.

          Secondly I would like to address the community that thinks marriage should be between a man and a woman. Why do you think this? Who does it hurt? If a man and another man hook up does that harm you, does it harm your friends, your family. If so how does it hurt them. Really think about your position and really think if its because you actually believe that same sex marriage harms people or if you just don’t like the idea because it makes you feel uncomfortable.

          Thirdly I must ask the religious types why they oppose it. If it is because of what’s in the bible than your argument isn’t compelling. The bible also says kill your neighbours if he works on Sunday (Exodus 31:15 - "Six days may work be done; but in the seventh is the Sabbath of rest, holy to the Lord: whosoever doeth any work in the Sabbath day, he shall surely be put to death..") Just do what you always do when you find something in your holy book that you don’t like, ignore it.

          Last of all I would like to talk to any Americans out there. The rest of the world doesn’t exactly hold your nation in the same esteem it used to. America used to be known as the a nation that fought for freedom of slaves, for racial rights and for democracy. It was the place you would go to be free. So please America, grant one more freedom to your people!

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