Thursday 9 June 2011

Being open minded

          This will be short but it will still have a good point

          I am tired of having arguments with religious people who start to lose than call the line “be more open minded.” I say that atheists are actually more open minded and religious people are actually more closed minded.

          I will start with religious people. How many religious people will admit that they could be wrong, that there might not be a god. How often do you see a religious person admit that the bible or Koran could be wrong. The fact of the matter is that religion requires someone to close there mind to believe in.

          Now as for atheists. I say that we are more open minded than religious people! The atheist position is that there is not enough evidence for us to believe in god. If you can give me evidence that proves gods existence I will gladly change my views to believe in it.

          So are you open minded?

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