Sunday, 8 May 2011

Media Sucks

This blog will mainly apply to Australia as it is about the Australian media. Particularly the television. And how stupid I think it is. How idiotic and stupid it is becoming. I will be talking about a few things. The news and how shallow it is. The TV shows and how stupid they are becoming and lucky last the effect I can see this having on our everyday life. Now there is a chance that I am over reacting. And I suspect this may be happening to other western countries. But I cannot say.  I can tell you this however. The Australian media has become bland, simple and shallow.

Now as I said. Let us start with the TV. The three main channels in Australia. (Channel 7, channel 9 and channel 10.) Have become pathetic mirrors of one another. Every night when i turn the news on no matter what channel I see the same thing. The exact same stories. The sad thing is, most of the time they are not even stories. Most of the time it shows people how to lose weight, It shows women how to look prettier and it repeats the same stupid stories designed to shock the middle class Caucasian culture of witch the Australian media is mostly made out of. NONE of the media ever talks about controversy. What they call controversy is basically a topic that 80% of the public has the same opinion on. Like boat people or those “violent gen y gangs.” Once in a while 60 mins will come up with a good peace. But those times are becoming few and far between.

The next up is the TV shows that are not news or current affair based. The best example of this is. Reality TV. This is the worst crap ever to blight Australian TV. You get to see a bunch of random people sing or cook or play games on an island somewhere. There is a small amount of thought put into these but it is nothing compared to a real scripted TV show with good character development.

Now the effect that this is having on Australian society. I have seen a few examples of this, mainly in retail. Good intellectual shops are closing down. For example there was the great shop called Socrates near my house. It was in the middle of a great shopping centre (aka mall). This shop was devoted to mind games, puzzles, board games and philosophy. It is now a store with random trinkets such as buddas and oddly shaped candles that people think somehow defines there personality. This is looks and it is shallow. Another example of this is the sheer lack of coverage on world events. Most people in Australia don’t know a thing about the world outside our little island continent.

Please Australia. Stop falling for this stupid media. Start turning the channel if you hear about another wonder bra or revolutionary hair treatment. You are too good for this crap!

On that note I will quickly move to another topic. Draw Muhammad day is almost upon us. This is a day were we can tell all religious extremists that we will not bow down the terrorism. So get drawing people!

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